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The winners of Pizza Experience 2017

DESITA AWARD - Pizza Experience


SAIL - Winner

Vincenzo Sorrentino - Italy

The sail is a Nomadic Pizzeria, located on different beaches around the world.
The place is built with a sample construction, made of wood, and his characteristic is to be removable and moved by truck. The mission of this Pizzeria is to create sharing and mix different cultures around the pizza. The structure is builted with simple techniques, there are nine pilots that maintain the top sails. The floor is made of wood fixed on a metal frame, the long zig zag table is made with wood and metal and also is fixed on the metal frame down the floor. The Counter has a base of metal and is made by wood, the pizza counter is made with marble supported by logos of wood. The whole structure is removable and can be stored in a truck.

Tell us who you are in brief.
Hi, I'm Vincenzo Sorrentino a food designer from Naples with the passion to change and create new things. Since a young age, I was been fascinated by visual arts, inspiring my artistic name “Vincent” (referring to Van Gogh) and my studies in Design & Communication. My passion for food was initially inspired by my grandmother's cuisine, but than I started to understand more at 13 years of age when I started helping my uncle in his restaurant. So after many years working in restaurants and studying design, I began to look for something that was able to join these two passions in one: FOOD DESIGN! I graduated in aMaster Course of Food Design & Innovation in Milan at SPD (Scuola Politecnica di Design) and now my mission is to innovate the food service. Although my laboratory/home restaurant is based in Naples, I have a worldly mentality and flexibility to work on projects all over the globe. As of now, my projects have been based in Italy, and I take part of the executive committee of ADI Food Design. Designing new solutions, cooking to make others happy, serving people to make them feel at home and entertaining with his playful character are the things that I love to do!

How did you discover the Award?
 I got in touch with the Award through Francesca Zampollo website.

What is the main reason of participation?
 As a food designer, I really found this contest inspiring, for me was a good occasion to look to the future and shape it. The main reason is to get visibility as food designer, and maybe find new job opportunities.

What are your main sources of inspirations?
My sources of inspiration are different, I have a background in restaurant fields that actually give me a lot of useful ideas. Then I spend one or two hours every day in research, reading online magazines and most important learning bites. Some of my favourites are MOLD magazine, Designboom, Muzli, Skillshare, Fine Dining Lovers etc.

What is your dream as designer?
My dream is to improve humans living, using food and design. There are many challenges I try to face in my work and the main is for sure the sustainability and the humanity care. I also think that be a designer is a difficult job and has many responsibilities for the people we are designing for.


THE PAPERONI - 2° places

Nicholas Bender - U.S.A.
Eir Rovira - Iceland

Paper waste is a big part of the operation of a pizzeria. And especially in a fast casual pizzeria – like those offering a quick slice – where paper waste can come from plates, napkins, boxes, and more. With the right conditions, this paper waste can be recycled into more paper. But often there are local restrictions on recycling paper with food contamination. This means that a majority of the paper waste coming out of the pizzeria – in the form of plates and napkins that have come in contact with food – cannot be recycled and instead ends up adding up to the 2,12 billion tons of waste in landfills, yearly. Our aim was to solve this problem in a low-cost, big impact, sustainable and eco-friendly way that makes it accessible for owner-operators of pizzerias to not only solve the problem of food-contaminated paper waste, but also engage their consumers in a dialogue about the food system. It’s called The Paperoni; and it works on the same principle as sausages: taking otherwise unused parts, and making them something valuable.



PIZZAPPETITE - 3° places

Vania Valeria Adrianzén - Perù

The purpose of this project is to make sure everyone agrees on the type of pizza to order. Everyone will be able to prepare their own piece of pizza with different topping, placed in the packaging specially studied in perimeter compartments. A fun and convenient experience to personalize the pizza, with a compact, eco-friendly and low cost solution.

Tell us who you are in brief.
I’m a 20-year-old student, currently studying the second year of Industrial Design at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). 
How did you discovered the award?
My Introduction to Industrial Design teachers told me about the contest and encouraged me to participate.
What is the main reason of participation?
I want to test my abilities in an international context and to gain experience in design matters.
What are your main sources of inspirations?
In this project, I got inspired by being a pizza lover and by having repeated experiences with my friends or relatives who have not agreed in choosing a specialty. I wanted to solve that and make the whole experience of eating pizza more significant and delightful for everyone.
What is your dream as designer?
Through my designs, I want to innovate, solve problems and improve life quality, not only for people but also for animals. I want to contribute with the construction of a better world for everyone.



E-PIZZA - Jury special mention

David Toth - Slovakia

E-pizza Aerodynamics in Drone Transport

When you search on Internet keywords like drone, package, transport, you can find articles or images on drones testing, where in each image the drones are transporting packages in the usual form - a box. Someone would not stop above it, but as an expert on aerodynamics, I see one problem here - air resistance. The box as a logistics unit has been greatly handled in shipping by conventional means - trucks, transport vans, boats, cargoes; but there appears a problem in this field of transporting small packages to the end user. Adaptable drone.

Tell us who you are in brief.
My name is David Toth and I am a designer from Slovakia interested in almost every area of design, including industrial, product and transport design, through to graphics and web design. I started my university studies in the department of Transport Design at The Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia. I graduated at the Faculty of Multimedia Communications of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic at the studio of Industrial Design. At the moment, I am focusing mainly on the design of packaging. Besides designing things, I am trying to develop new innovative ideas and inventions by using modern technologies. My interests include supercars, horse riding, road cycling and drawing anatomy.
How did we discover the award?
I have learned about the Desita Award from the designboom.com website, which I actively visit, and I regularly check the Competitions section where the information about the award has been published.
-What is the main reason of participation?
The main reason for my participation in the competition is the fact that, at the time when I found the Desita Award, I have been designing a "flying pizza box", so I thought it would be a great way to showcase the project and take a step forward in the right direction, so that the concept gets closer to the final stage of production.
What are your main sources of inspiration?
When I am designing products, I love to seek inspiration in the simple, functional shapes of utility products from the past. I try to look for a function in common shapes that have survived their age and improve them further through my work. I also let myself be inspired by design websites and magazines, by going through portfolios of other designers, and by attending design fairs worldwide.
What are our dreams as designers?
My dream is in the fact the unspoken rule that should be the top priority of every designer - to create products and tools that will bring people joy through either their shape or through their function. Simply put – to create useful design. Further I would like to work on new inventions and give them a real dimension in industrial production.